Content and Format of your Late Abstract
Abstracts (in the format of 1 page + up to 3 explanatory pages) shall be written in English and include short sections addressing:
- Full paper title
- Full name, affiliation, address, e-mail and phone of one author for all correspondence
- For all other authors, full name, affiliation and e-mail
Summary of the Abstract
- Applicable topic and subtopic number (e.g. 1.2) and a brief justification of the choice of subtopic to assist the evaluation process.
- Aim and approach used
- Scientific innovation and relevance
- Results or preliminary results and conclusions
“Aim and approach used”, “Scientific innovation and relevance” and “Results or preliminary results and conclusions” provide the basis for the review and programme selection process, so please make sure to address all three aspects.
The total length should not be more than four A4 pages. We recommend a minimum of 2 pages in total to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of your work. We encourage authors to provide enough information to be evaluated correctly.
Detailed instructions on how to prepare and submit your abstract are given in the “Late Abstract Submission Guidelines”. Please read these instructions carefully.