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EU PVSEC 2025 / Scientific Journal Publication of Papers

The EU PVSEC aims to substantially increase the number of conference papers that may be put forward for publication in peer-reviewed journals. We offer the possibility to publish a selection of our submissions in Progress in Photovoltaics, Solar RRL, EPJ Photovoltaics, and, for Topic 5 submissions: Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research (AESR). Through these different offerings, the EU PVSEC intends to not only increase the number of high-quality peer reviewed papers coming out of the conference, but also expand the breadth of scope and offer a range of publication options, including high impact factor journals and Open Access possibilities in different modalities.

The process is as follows: The Scientific Committee will select more than 200 abstracts in total that will be invited to submit a full paper to be peer reviewed for possible publication by a journal. The peer review process of selected papers will be done independently by the journal, and publication, if the paper is accepted after evaluation, will be in addition to the publication in the Conference Proceedings of the EU PVSEC 2025. Published papers include a note to indicate that results were presented at EU PVSEC.

If you would like your abstract to be considered for inclusion in the Journal Publication/Peer Review Process, please select the corresponding field of your preferred journal in the User Area during submission. You may select several, or all to signal that you have no preferences, and to increase your chances to be selected. Your preference will be taken into account during the evaluation process, but cannot be guaranteed. Please note that if selected, a full paper will need to be supplied well in advance of the conference. Kindly also note that in order to be evaluated correctly for the application to Journal Publication, only abstracts with a minimum of 3-4 pages are eligible. Please make sure that this requirement is respected.

For any questions concerning scientific journal publication please contact:

EU PVSEC Programme Secretariat

Lisa Grosshans
Buse Yildiz

+49-89 720 12 735
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Organised by:

WIP Renewable Energies
Sylvensteinstr. 2
81369 Munich
Technical Programme
coordinated by:

European Commission -
Joint Research Centre

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