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This page contains the guidelines for the submission of abstracts to the EU PVSEC Conference.


The abstract should contain new scientific work that has not been presented in another conference or published elsewhere. Each abstract will be reviewed by at least three independent experts from the global PV community.

Abstract format:

Abstracts (in the format of 1 page + up to 3 explanatory pages) shall be written in English and include short sections addressing:

  • Full paper title
  • Full name, affiliation, address, e-mail and phone of one author for all correspondence
  • For all other authors, full name, affiliation and e-mail
  • Summary of the Abstract
  • Applicable topic and subtopic number (e.g. 3.2) and a brief justification of the choice of subtopic to assist the evaluation process.
  • Aim and approach used
  • Scientific innovation and relevance
  • Results or preliminary results and conclusions

“Aim and approach used”, “Scientific innovation and relevance” and “Results or preliminary results and conclusions” provide the basis for the review and programme selection process, so please make sure to address all three aspects.

The total length should not be more than four A4 pages. We recommend a minimum of 2 pages in total to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of your work. We encourage authors to provide enough information to be evaluated correctly. Kindly also note that in case you apply for “Journal Publication” in order to be evaluated correctly, only abstracts with a minimum of 3-4 pages are eligible. Please make sure that this requirement is respected.


  1. Use the Online Abstract Submission tool in the User Area for easy and fast submission of your abstracts.

  2. Please log-in and click on the green button “Submit your abstract(s) now” in the welcome page. Alternatively you can click on “Your data”, up-right on your screen and then “Submissions”.

  3. Abstracts must be submitted by the deadline (31 January 2025).

    --- Deadline extended: 07 February 2025 ---

  4. The person logged-in in the User Area is automatically set as corresponding partner for the abstract. Therefore, please log-in as the person wishing to be the corresponding author (contact person) for the abstract submission (please use the corresponding author’s email address and password, e.g. no secretary log-in).

  5. Please follow the abstract submission step by step.

    Step 1: Abstract
    Please enter abstract title, subtopic, select your preferred presentation type and copy paste the summary of your abstract.
    In this step, you can also apply for “Student Award”.
    The correct subtopic must be selected to ensure a correct scoring. The abstract content must be related to the subtopic chosen. During the review period, the Scientific Committee may move an abstract to a more appropriate subtopic, if deemed necessary. Check the list of Conference Topics and Subtopics.

    Step 2: Authors
    Enter the list of authors including their e-mail address and contact details according to your abstract document. (Preferably in English.)
    Please indicate the planned speaker.
    After entering the list of authors, please accept the “Author consent” tick box.

    Step 3: Document upload

    Please upload your abstract document in pdf by drag and drop.
    Please make sure that your abstract PDF is not password protected.
    For your reference, you may consider downloading the template available here.

    In case you are applying for “Student Award”, please upload you letter of recommendation.

    Step 4: Journal Publication
    In this section you can apply for “Journal Publication”. One or multiple journals can be selected.

    Step 5: Submit
    Please click on “Submit” to finalise your submission.

  6. You will receive an automatic email notification after successful abstract submission. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours of submission, please contact us by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to check the status of your submission.

  7. Modifications of your abstract submission and replacement of your abstract document in the online system are possible at any time until the submission deadline (31 January 2025). You just have to click on “Edit Abstract” under “Your submissions” in the abstract submission section of your user area. Please avoid double submissions.

  8. If you would like to withdraw your abstract after the submission deadline, please contact us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

  9. In case you would like to submit more than one abstract, just repeat the process by clicking on “Submit Abstract” in your user area.


1.    Abstract Review Process and Notification of Authors

The international Scientific Committee, made up of around 290 leading experts from the global PV community, will review all abstracts that have been submitted on time and in the correct format, and suggest contributions for oral or for visual/poster presentation.

The main selection criteria are:

  • in line with the selected subtopic
  • relevance for other groups active in PV
  • clearly understandable and direct to the point

advancement in terms of progress and novelty


scientific quality as well as the probability of a good presentation at the conference

If positively evaluated by the Scientific Committee, the abstract will be selected for Plenary, Oral or Visual/poster presentation. Plenary and Oral presentations are reserved for contributions covering a wider scope which are of interest to a broader audience and address the progress and novelties within the topic. Visual/poster presentations are mostly dedicated to issues of interest for specialists in a particular field.

Corresponding authors will be notified of the outcome of their abstract’s evaluation by email end April 2025.

Presentation Formats:

Keynote Plenary Presentation

30 minutes speaking slot with Power Point

Plenary Presentation

20 minutes speaking slot with Power Point

Oral Presentation

15 minute speaking slot with PowerPoint

Visual/Poster Presentation

Presentation through poster displayed during 4 days (Monday – Thursday) of the Conference. During Visual presentation sessions, authors of posters are requested to be present at their posters at the time indicated in the Conference Programme. This will give all delegates the opportunity for direct interaction, questions and discussion.

2.   Presentations and manuscripts

After the notification of authors, the Notes for Authors and Instructions for Preparation of Papers will be available online. These documents contain important information on how to prepare your presentation and your manuscript to be included in the Conference Proceedings.


31 January 2025

Deadline for submission of abstracts

--- Deadline extended: 07 February 2025 ---

February – end April 2025

Abstracts review and evaluation by the Scientific Committee

End April 2025

Notifications of authors

Beginning of September

Submission of manuscript for the Conference Proceedings


Presenters and authors have to register for the Conference and to pay the respective conference registration fee. Please note that acceptance of your abstract for presentation in the Conference Programme, does not automatically register you for the Conference.

For any questions concerning abstract submission please contact:

EU PVSEC Programme Secretariat

Buse Yildiz
Lisa Großhans

+49-89 720 12 735
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Organised by:

WIP Renewable Energies
Sylvensteinstr. 2
81369 Munich
Technical Programme
coordinated by:

European Commission -
Joint Research Centre

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