A sustainable energy transition and a decarbonisation of the power sector requires a complete replacement of the use of coal, natural gas and nuclear plants. Traditionally, those are the main generation sources of the “Base Load Power”, understood as the minimum amount of electric power needed to be supplied to the electrical grid at a span of time. The intermittence in time and location of most renewables have been presented historically as the hurdles that trigger operational, technical and scientific challenges in their effective integration granting still reliability and stability to the electricity grid. So, what would be needed to be done in Electricity Grid so the power could be entirely provided by renewable energy sources 24/7? A group of top Electricity System experts, covering the different angles of these challenges will discuss aspects like: High penetration of Renewables (with a focus on PV), digitalisation of the distribution grids, local load management incentives, storage and other flexibility enablers of the grid, PV revenues on the energy market at peak PV times, regulatory barriers or democratization of the energy sector.